Saturday, January 8, 2011

Well, I am off and running with "Backpacking Through Joshua".. and by running I only mean in my mind.. My usual method of Bible Study is to read and read ahead.. But this time I am trying to just meditate, think about and really savor each chapter..
So for the past three days, I have been thinking over this Chapter, the questions, and the words..
Courageous, Faithful, and Strong...

Ok, so first.. I have really been thinking about and trying to determine what the words Courageous, Strong and faithful mean.. but not just what they mean but what they mean to me.. I don't often think of myself as being courageous or strong.. but I do consider myself to be faithful in most respects.. I am not God however, I still fail in this regard.. I looked up all three words and even with the definitions firmly in my mind... I would say that each of us has a chance each day to be strong, faithful and courageous.. Maybe not physically strong, but strong in character for God.. A shining example. (Will we fail, maybe some days, but if we keep practicing often enough, we will get it right more often than not). Maybe not courageous enough to leave our comfort and security and go to another country, but courageous enough to right a wrong, talk to someone about God's love, or even just make a small difference in someone's life. And faithful to God in that we continue to strive to seek him daily, to listen and learn from Him.. to keep on trying to be His servant..

What does this tell me about your character? Is there anything that is keeping me from being able to do what you are calling me to do? In what area/s can I improve? Observing the law? Meditating on the word? Getting moving?

This whole chapter was about God telling Joshua that now it was time to go into the "promised land". He was keeping his "word" and making good on the "promises" that Moses had been given. He has said over and over that HE is with us.. HE is faithful.. whith God on my side, whom or what shall I fear? I should "fear" nothing or no one.. AND He always keeps His promises..
It is not like He is calling me to do anything that He can't help me do.. So I should be willing to do anything He asks. I think by doing this online Bible Study I am improving at least one area of this.. Study and meditating on HIS Word has been a severe trial ... but not because I don't Love God.. or have the Word handy.. It is really easy to get HIS Word.. I have plenty of resources for Study, (hearing or reading) But in the past have failed at following through with reading even a little everyday.. SO that is my Real reason for doing this online Study.. Is to be held accountable and to actually do an intense study...

MYSELF: Do I truly believe God is faithful? Do I believe he will not fail or forsake me? Does my behavior reflect this? Why or Why not?

Yes, I truly believe GOD is faithful. I have seen proof of this many times over the past several years.. HE is always with me and has never left me.. He makes sure He shows me in some way often that He is near... can I always explain how I know.. NO. but I do.. His Answer may not always Be Yes but he answers our prayers.. He HEARS our cry.. He knows us all the way to the part where we don't let anyone else see.. I do think that my behavior reflects this, but I can and often have to be reminded of it again.. but I know that I have grown in many ways over the past several years as a result of having to deal with not knowing how much longer Steve would have a job.. This had been a first for us. He had never been without a job for long.. 13 months of not knowing, not having a job, not even getting an interview shook him to the core and unsettled me, but we kept praying.. kept believing and managed to get through that spell.. Trusting is easier when you already have whatever it is you need.. IT is way harder when you really don't know "How, or when".. But we never did without the basic needs.. And many companies that are known for their unwillingness to bend, bent over double to help us or allow us benefits that we would normally not had.. Meds were provided at same cost as when we had insurance.. when we had none, haircuts were provided for free or at very reduced prices.. food was given in abundance..

I just know that GOD IS ABLE.. there is nothing MY GOD can not do.. And with that being said.. I think I might be able to go now and rest until my sweet granddaughter wakes up.. Hopefully she will wait four or so hours..


Anonymous said...

So glad you came to join the hike, Cyndi!!!

His Girl said...

I love that you are taking your time on this hike... love your insights and your purposeful link of the Text to your life.

So glad we have such a strong, able God!