Saturday, February 19, 2011

God is OMNISCIENT (All Knowing)

What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done for God’s glory? Have you ever NOT done something you knew God wanted you to do? What was the result?

(1) I guess "DANCING IN THE STREET".. Might qualify... esp. since I also posted pictures on Facebook of this.. What, You don't think it was ridiculous? You would if you knew me... I consider myself to be without "gracefulness", "rhythm", sort of "tone deaf", and did this without any music... AND like I said.. I have no rhythm... and I can so relate to the example of "You want me to do what?" March around the city every day for 7 days??? What good is that going to do?" yes, I have on several occasions already said, "I'd be the whiner or the questioning one?" So I would have wanted clear answers.. GOD often asks us "to fly by the seat of our pants"... Do something that we ordinarily would not want to do or that most "Normal" people would never dream of doing... But ultimately, I like to think I would obey.. esp. after seeing the Jordan and the Red Sea actually open up and being allowed to walk across... Seeing my food just appear out of thin air... OK, Getting back to my "Dancing in the Street"... It was a sort of promise that if and when God answered our pleas for Steve to get a job..I would dance in the street... and then when it came at the last possible (In our minds) moment... and with such a clear "GOD DID IT".. I had to do it.. The Job that Steve got.. was supposedly already given and accepted by someone else... and we were once again back to square one.. I know Steve was sort of in shock.. and felt like there was no more hope.. (I know this, because in my heart I sort of felt the same thing).. and yet.... I Knew the word.. Jer. 29:11 promises that GOD knows the plans he has for us.. AND I knew that GOD keeps all of HIS promises. and that "with GOD all things are possible".. even things we know we can not accomplish.. We have already seen this happen in many ways.. often small, but meaningful nonetheless... so I could not believe that GOD would totally let us completely down.. I knew if it was not that job, then something else would come soon.. and even if we had to move in with someone else.. and lose our house, cars, etc.. that it would be OK.. The Bible says if GOD could care for and feed the Sparrow.. then why not us.. whom He loves so much more.. So when the call came in the next morning..(very early I might add... before 8 am).. I was absolutely beside myself.. Many people had no answers for why or what happened... BUT I KNEW... MY GOD HAD DECIDED to ANSWER YES.. and several months later, Steve was told that the other guy backed out.. and so He was hired.. and they have NOT ever regretted his hiring... that was almost a year ago.. I know that GOD does not always answer YES.. but I have no DOUBTS that this was a GOD moment...
(2) Hmmmmmmmmmm, this one is a little tougher to answer. I am sure the answer is YES.. but exact answers or examples are not coming to my feeble mind at this moment... (OK, so maybe this one would be the biggest...) I am having a hard time "loving someone".. I am in general a very loving person (at least I think and hope I am)... but I am having a very hard time right now with someone who is like a "thorn in my side"... I know what I am supposed to do.. I do try.. I pray, I try to love.. I know Jesus wants me to love all people ... even people who I may not really like everything they do.. and without naming names.. I just have to keep on trying.. I feel like this is going to be a GOD thing.. not a Cyndi thing.. and even if it never happens.. I am planning on it not being because of me.. I know GOD is SO (SO underscored and Very Bold) much bigger than I am.. and Because HE loves me.. (No matter how much I mess up... AND no matter how often).. I have to do the same thing.. LOVE this person and all people no matter what they do or don't do... I have spent many hours mulling over this over the last two weeks.. and that is all I can do.. (I even have given much the same advice to someone else this day). That no matter what GOD LOVES US and THEM so I have to be LIKE A FIREFLY (and let my Light shine) in spite of what they do, or don't do... or how they behave.. and let GOD and let go.. (Still praying though for God to wake up ???? to reality).. before it is too late..

What does this passage reveal about Your character? What impossible thing would You like me to do? Are You asking someone I know to do something impossible? How can I
encourage them?

(1) Well, this is a little easier.. WITH GOD... Nothing is impossible.. even if it looks ridiculous, or sounds ridiculous... that is just all the better for HIM to work out the details... No one in that group would have been shocked if they had been given weapons or orders to go in shooting.. but GOD wanted them to see HIS POWER.. and so HE came up with an absolute foolproof way (Several in fact) to show HIS Power... Who would think that just marching around the city (quietly)once for six days and then on the seventh day... marching around the city seven times.. while blowing trumpets.. and then shouting only after they had done all this.. would actually make the city walls fall.. And while I sort of understand the need to totally destroy all inside afterward, it does seem harsh when you see how GOD made the walls fall down... (GOD has seen so many people know that HIS POWER was Omnipotent, but yet still have hardened hearts and keep turning back to their own devices, that I believe HE wanted the Israelites and the other surrounding areas to TRULY SEE HIS WORK... and to know without a doubt that it was HIM in control)
(2, 3 and 4) I have touched on several impossible (or seemingly) impossible things in the above answer. I can't really go into the deeper details, but to me it seems impossible to just TRUST, OBEY and BELIEVE.... but I WILL.. because I know... THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with MY GOD... HE CAN CHANGE ANYONE or ANYTHING... and NO MATTER WHAT.. I can't do it without HIM.. I know 2 People who had very bad wrecks recently.. injury to C5 and C6 and are paralyzed, but they have not given up.. and have actually done so much better than expected... I have seen people recover from drastic illnesses, and seen miracles happen in many lives.... as well as people to succumb to the same type illnesses, and accidents... while these things are happening... it is hard to see the WHY? but as time passes.. it is often (not always) but often for some reason.. and the reason only becomes apparent as time goes on.. AND sometimes IT takes many years before it is clear..
And two questions to ask myself: Do I truly believe God is Omniscient? Is this
evident in my prayer life or my obedience? Do I think I know more than God? What
steps do I need to make to ensure I don’t behave like I do? (1, 2, 3 and 4) Yes.. I truly do think I believe this with all my heart... I truly do try to Let GO and Let GOD.. because I know that without HIM, I would not have made it this far.. I do realize that I have on several occasions "given something to GOD and then tried to take back and "fix" it on my own.. I failed on each of the occasions.. I am nothing without HIM.. NOR can I DO the things that HE can do.. I can not count the stars in the heavens.. and YET He knows them all (each and every one) by name.. HE KNOWS EACH OF MY FAULTS, MY GOOD TRAITS, MY TALENTS, and EVEN the THINGS I DON"T LET ANYONE ELSE SEE... and HE STILL LOVES ME.. SO MUCH that HE SENT HIS ONLY SON... (John 3:16)... for ME.... for YOU.. and for EVERYONE ELSE AS WELL.. The steps I need to take are basically easy: read, study, pray, believe, trust and obey... Let go and truly Let GOD.. He can handle it...

OK, so my prayers this week are for the soldiers who are already in service on other lands, our lands, and those who are about to be deployed.. their families.. and the two car accident victims I know.. and I have a few others in my mind.. Hugs and much love to you all...
Cyndi Anne (Just wanna be HIS Hands and Feet)


Lisa Smith said...

Love Steve's job story. Reading others' stories sure helps build my faith!! Thanks for sharing.

Gretchen said...

Cyndi, I can sure relate to the not loving others sin. I, too, am generally loving and accepting, but those e.g.r.s (extra grace requireds) get me each time. The log in my eye is so thick that it's hard to see around it to think that I might be hard for someone to tolerate. ;)

Hang in there, love. Xxxooogjh

His Girl said...

Oh, loving the unlovable is SO hard, isn't it? I totally can understand.But knowing our God loves us sure helps :)

By the way? Dancing in the street? SUPER SUPER COOL!